At PEP Health, we take a unique approach to patient insight

Patient feedback is crucial for unlocking value-based healthcare, yet the traditional methods used to capture and interpret it have shown to be limited in effectiveness.

Solving this challenge requires an understanding of patient lives, their challenges, and their preferences. The latest advances in AI offer up a better way to make sense of the millions of pieces of online feedback combined with traditional surveys and review sources, and ultimately improve healthcare services based on what matters most to patients.

Our empirically proven platform provides real-time insights about patients' experience of care from millions of public patient comments. We analyze the comments using tailored algorithms to generate actionable insights and report variations in patient experience across settings, and benchmark providers and health systems locally, regionally, and nationally.

The PEP Health dashboard

dashboard screenshot
Competitive intelligence
Accurate and validated benchmarking of patient experience across the competition and internally
Real-time data collection
Frequent, automated collecting of 30M+ publicly available online patient experience comments
Valid patient experience metrics
Bespoke language models scrutinize data for relevance and identify crucial themes related to quality care and specialties
Listen to what patients actually think
Identifying and mapping 8.5M+ unique URLS, from social media to review sites for all US healthcare providers
Personalized reports
Get experience insights delivered via a secure dashboard, automated alerts, detailed reports on specialized areas of focus
Actionable insights
Insights allow providers and teams to reward good performance and target key growth areas


  • Provide a consistent patient experience across the provider network.
  • Address member concerns and develop member engagement strategies.
  • Improve the Payer Plan's CMS STAR rating.
  • Develop value-based care with care providers.


  • Understand patient behavior for better operational decision-making.
  • Provide a higher standard of care across the health system and service lines within the system.
  • Improve CMS STAR ratings.
  • Design care by learning what matters most to patients.
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Dedicated to security

  • PEP Health is ISO 27001 certified for information security management, as well as CyberEssentials accredited by the NCSC in the UK
  • Stored client data is encrypted at rest and in transit, and access is restricted to relevant employees only
  • Data is stored in compliance with all GDPR regulations
  • We only collect publicly-available social media data