A better view of healthcare experience

We help organizations better understand what their patients actually think

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Better understand patients as consumers

Benchmark variation in care

Boost quality metrics and star ratings

Provide transparency to unmet needs

Drive better outcomes and loyalty

A smarter, faster way to measure experience

Our specialized AI turns millions of online patient reviews into insights organizations can act on fast, measured through one powerful metric—the PEP Score

Built by Data Experts,
Powered by AI,
Trusted by Healthcare Leaders

The future of patient experience measurement

PEP Health transforms millions of patient comments into measurable and comparable insights that can be used to:

Our specialized AI turns millions of online patient reviews into insights organizations can act on fast, measured through one powerful metric—the PEP Score

Better understand patients as consumers

Benchmark variation in care

Increase star ratings

Provide transparency to unmet needs

Drive better outcomes

Built by Data Experts,
Trusted by Healthcare Leaders

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Drive better outcomes

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Better understand patients as consumers

Benchmark variation in care

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Increase star ratings

Provide transparency to unmet needs

Continuous listening at scale

Know what your patients are thinking at all times with daily insights into thousands of authentic patient stories

Actionable intelligence for all healthcare locations

Healthcare Locations
Digital Sources
Patient Voices
PEP Scores & Insights

A validated and trusted leader in healthcare experience

Discover our patient experience dashboard

Seamlessly integrates with existing feedback systems to ensure a rapid path to value

Explore our AI-powered solutions

For Healthcare Payers

For Healthcare Providers

For NHS Trusts

Why leading healthcare organizations are switching to real-time AI-powered patient insights

Why leading healthcare organizations are switching to real-time AI-powered insights


Know what your patients think at all times with insights delivered within 24 hours after feedback


Capture key voices missed by surveys, like families and underrepresented populations


Identify and address issues early before they escalate into system-wide problems


Gain up to 9-months lead time on
regulatory report outcomes, like HCAHPS

Author Photo

“We have assumed too much about what patients want, for too long. Having a tool to listen to patients talking in the real world is more honest, and probably how we get it right.”

Amy L. McNally, M.D., M.H.C.M.

VP Surgery - The US Oncology Network

Author Photo

“We have assumed too much about what patients want, for too long. Having a tool to listen to patients talking in the real world is more honest, and probably how we get it right.”

Amy McNally, MD, MHCM

VP Surgery at The US Oncology Network

Author Photo

“We are passionate about listening to the voice of our patients and believe that learning through the authentic and unfettered patient perspective is our path to healthcare excellence. Now is the time for a more contemporary way to gain insights from our patients and families and transform how they interact with their health care.”

Dr. Julie Kennedy Oehlert

Chief Experience & Brand Officer at ECU Health