A better view of healthcare experience

We help you better understand what your patients actually think about their care.

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Built by data experts, powered by AI
Trusted by healthcare leaders

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools


Insights available within 24 hours


Compare brands, locations & service lines


Reach the voices missed by surveys


Address problems before they escalate


Listen across diverse sources, populations & geographies


Reduce operational deficiencies


Predict regulatory outcomes 9 months ahead


Boost quality metrics and patient loyalty

The PEP Health Experience Dashboard

Our real-time platform transforms diverse feedback from over 35 million voices – including those from hard-to-reach, overlooked, and minority populations – into actionable, real-time insights.

Our analysis transforms diverse feedback from over 35 million voices – including those from hard-to-reach, overlooked, and minority populations into actionable, real-time insights.

The insights you need to
achieve your experience goals

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Better understand patients as consumers

Benchmark variation in care

Increase star ratings

Provide transparency to unmet needs

Drive better outcomes

Built by Data Experts,
Powered by AI,
Trusted by Healthcare Leaders

Built by Data Experts,
Trusted by Healthcare Leaders

PEP Health transforms millions of patient comments into measurable and comparable insights that can be used to:

Better understand patients as consumers

Benchmark variation in care

Increase star ratings

Provide transparency to unmet needs

Drive better outcomes

Built by Data Experts,
Trusted by Healthcare Leaders

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Drive better outcomes

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Better understand patients as consumers

Benchmark variation in care

More Empowered
Patients Deserve
More Powerful Tools

Increase star ratings

Provide transparency to unmet needs

A Trusted Leader in Healthcare Experience

Competitive Intelligence

Our healthcare-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) ingests and critically evaluates millions of patient feedback data sources (35 million and counting). All of this data is then turned into the PEP Score.

PEP Scores enable comprehensive rankings and benchmarking of performance across every healthcare provider, service line, and quality care domain in real time.

> 35 Million


> 8.5 Million




Driving Experience Improvements

30% Year-on-Year Improvement in Experience Scores

“We have been able to collect hundreds of comments, which would have been almost impossible to analyse manually. We have been able to access automated analysis of patient satisfaction scores to make sense of feedback, enabling us to iteratively improve the services we deliver.”

Transforming Value-Based Agreements

A major Minnesota payer realized that experience had been significantly underweighted in their VBAs compared to cost and quality. By centering patient experience and incorporating PEP Scores into their VBAs, they incentivized providers to enhance overall patient satisfaction .

Closing Patient Experience Gaps

“I think this is really interesting and innovative – a step [forward] in using artificial intelligence. I like the fact that it doesn’t look like it requires any work on the part of us, and it could be very useful data to help drive change.”

Author Photo

“We have assumed too much about what patients want, for too long. Having a tool to listen to patients talking in the real world is more honest, and probably how we get it right.”

Amy L. McNally, M.D., M.H.C.M.

VP Surgery - The US Oncology Network

Author Photo

“We have assumed too much about what patients want, for too long. Having a tool to listen to patients talking in the real world is more honest, and probably how we get it right.”

Amy L. McNally, M.D., M.H.C.M.

VP Surgery - The US Oncology Network

Author Photo

“We are passionate about listening to the voice of our patients and believe that learning through the authentic and unfettered patient perspective is our path to healthcare excellence. Now is the time for a more contemporary way to gain insights from our patients and families and transform how they interact with their health care.”

Dr. Julie Kennedy Oehlert

Chief Experience & Brand Officer at ECU Health