The Journal of mHealth this month published a paper by PEP Health co-founder Dr Meghan Leaver looking at how patient experience can be analysed and improved at a local ICS-level as NHS England moves towards its new organisational structure:
“Data and machine learning enable us to generate innovative solutions to the current challenges in patient experience and quality improvement.
By listening to patients at scale we can use the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ and harness their collective knowledge. This data can then be used to benchmark departments, providers, regions, and national trends, as well as the variation in critical points along the patient pathway. This links back to NHS England and Improvement’s vision of tackling unwarranted variation in service quality, access and performance. A more modernised approach to patient feedback collection, analysis and reporting could also empower stakeholders to provide a safer, better patient experience by helping to prioritise resources and improve services.
Now is the time to start asking ourselves what we can do to ensure the way patient experience is captured at an ICS level drives improvement.”
Read the full article here